There’s never a good time for an emergency, but urgent dental pain can indicate a real problem that requires a trip to the dentist for immediate emergency procedures.
When you visit Beavers Dentistry in Cary, here’s what you can expect:
- Schedule an urgent appointment as soon as possible
- Expert doctors with over 40 years of combined experience practicing dentistry
- Effort to provide customers with a comfortable experience
- Emergency dentistry services for adults and children
- Prioritized customer-centric service
Common Dental Emergencies in Cary
Is it just a temporary toothache, or is it something more serious? That broken tooth feels like a minor problem, but then again, could it need an extraction? The only way to know is to go. Here are some common ailments that send patients rushing to the emergency dentist as well as what you can do for the ailment in the meantime:
- Abscess – an infection that occurs around the root of a tooth and between the enamel and the gums
- What You Can Do: If you have a small, painful bump, you may have an abscessed tooth. Rinse your mouth out with a saltwater solution and call an emergency dentist.
- Objects Lodged Between Teeth – Foreign objects that remain stuck for too long can irritate the surrounding gum tissue.
- What You Can Do: Try to floss the object out from between the teeth. Don’t use any other utensil or you could break a tooth. If you find that you’re just pushing the substance further down into the gums, it’s time to call a dentist for emergency services.
- Emergency Toothache – Toothaches have several possible causes, but the most important thing is to get into the dentist’s office and assess the severity of the issue.
- What You Can Do: Rinse your mouth with warm water and floss around the aching tooth to see if a lodged object is the culprit. If that doesn’t alleviate the pain, then apply a cold compress to your outer cheek and take some Tylenol until you can see a doctor.
- Chipped or Knocked Out Teeth – These issues vary in pain level and severity but almost always require an emergency visit to the dentist.
- What You Can Do: Don’t mess with a cracked tooth to avoid additional irritation. For a knocked out tooth, wash it off and place it in a jar of milk or your own saliva to preserve it until you can make it to the dental office. Then apply a cold, wet compress to the bleeding area that used to hold the tooth. The best option is to put it back in place as soon as possible if possible.
- Loose or Separated Filling or Crown – Not exactly an urgent problem, but can still cause significant pain due to sensitivity to pressure, air, and temperatures that are too hot or too cold. In rare cases, the problem may turn out to be an underlying cavity that requires a root canal.
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth – These are wisdom teeth that remain and grow in the jawbone. May require an emergency tooth extraction.
- What You Can Do: Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do in the meantime besides taking pain medication and waiting for emergency dental service.
Should I Go To an Emergency Room or an Emergency Dentist?
You may feel the urge to run to the emergency room after experiencing significant dental pain and discomfort, but that may not be the best option. Hospitals aren’t equipped to perform dental services and the most they can do for you is prescribe antibiotics or pain relievers until the dentist can see you. If you’re in pain or having a dental emergency, call your emergency oral care provider.
Your Trusted Cary Emergency Dentist Office. We never leave you or your teeth hanging! If you have tooth or mouth pain, contact Beavers Dentistry immediately to schedule an appointment as soon as possible before your condition worsens.