How Can I Become More Confident in My Smile?

what is cosmetic dentistry cary nc?

Do you cover your mouth when you talk? Do you shy away from the camera? These are signs that you probably aren’t confident in your smile. Not to worry because, with cosmetic dentistry Cary NC, anything is possible. Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to restore your confidence back as it offers several procedures that target all of your dental insecurities. Believe it or not but your cosmetic dentist is able to completely transform your smile! Let’s find out how they do it. 

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How Can You Fix Your Smile?

In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you are a fan of wine, coffee and tea then that explains why your teeth are severely discolored. In addition to drinking dark-colored beverages, smoking is also a major contributor to teeth stains. Yellow teeth can take a toll on your self-esteem. Thankfully, an in-office teeth whitening treatment will do the trick. Cosmetic Dentistry Cary NC has transformed thousands of smiles through in-office teeth whitening. It’s a simple procedure that is able to make a significant difference in your overall look. 

Dental Implants 

Did you lose several teeth? If dental bridge and dentures don’t appeal to you then perhaps you can give dental implant surgery a try. With the help of Cosmetic Dentistry Cary NC, missing teeth is not a problem. Dental implants are made of titanium posts that are embedded into your jawbone. When they have successfully fused with your bone, the dental crowns will then be attached. A dental implant is the closest thing to having a real tooth because of its durability and aesthetic appeal. 

who offers the best cosmetic dentistry cary nc?

Are You Excited to Give Cosmetic Dentistry Cary NC a Try? 

Are you embarrassed about your smile? We can help. At Beavers Dentistry, you will find the most comprehensive dental care. Our team of dentists and dental staff are professional and friendly and they make sure every visit is comfortable, convenient, and tailored to meet your individual needs. We look forward to taking care of you and your family’s teeth and oral hygiene. Check out our website to learn more about our services and give us a call if you want to set an appointment.