It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The season of Santa Claus is finally here. Christmas is a wonderful time for families and friends to enjoy the winter festivities with delicious food, spirited drinks, and festive sweets on the table. From eggnog to candy canes, the Christmas season is a joyful celebration for everyone. However, while enjoying the holidays is a must, taking it in moderation is also a must.
During the holidays, sugar and sodium filled foods and drinks are plentiful; therefore, they can be dangerous when it comes to your teeth. Sugar products can fill in the pockets of your teeth to eventually dissolve and decay your teeth, which can eventually lead to cavities and tooth loss.
Here are some tips to keep your smile strong this Christmas:
Sugar, Oh What Fun!
We wish you a Merry Moderation! We understand they can be irresistible. Therefore, we are recommending taking sugars in moderation or replacing them with sugar alternatives including a veggie tray with delicious carrots, celery, cucumber, or broccoli.
I’m Dreaming of a Water Christmas
Although plenty of eggnogs, cider, mulled wine, hot chocolate, and holiday punch will be available, our dentist recommends holiday hosts offer a low calorie, low sugar alternative like water to help people wash down their meal and balance out the sugar. Drinking water is a great way to wash away the sugar-filled film that can attack your enamel.
T’was a Night of Moderation
At the end of the day, everything comes down to eating and drinking in moderation. During any kind of party, just keep in mind that sugar is the biggest Grinch of all. So, make sure you are practicing a good balance between healthy and sugary. Don’t overdo it with the nog by replacing it with some regular milk to boost your bones and prevent osteoporosis. Take a few steps away from the sugar cookies and select a few slices of mild cheese to help bring more calcium to your body, as well as, vitamin A and B12.
‘Tis the Season to Brush Your Teeth
After every sweet concoction and flavorful cupcake, brushing your teeth is the best defense for your teeth against cavities and decay. Here at Beavers Dentistry, we recommend brushing your teeth in a 45-degree angle twice a day to help prevent gum disease and cavities from forming. Additionally, don’t forget to use a mouthwash too!
The holiday season is upon us, so that means family feasts, dinner parties, and Christmas wine. We encourage everyone to have a great time, but be sure to brush your teeth and keep good hygiene in mind.
After all, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas to all and all a good night.